Rouge: The Eternal Moon of Autumn

Head Programmer Lee Peng Ming reviews Stanley Kwan’s Rouge (1987), the recent film of discussion at NTU Film Society, expressing why it had such a lasting impression on him.

When I first watched Stanley Kwan's Rouge (1987), I didn't really like it. I thought it was a cheap and clichéd love story: it depicts a dead woman's (Anita Mui) journey back to the mortal world to find her lover (Leslie Cheung), who did not commit suicide alongside her as promised. At the time, I had a strong aversion to this type of narrative: who could be so obsessed with love, till the point of death? Moreover, I found the storytelling technique to be quite banal: the past and the present are intertwined through flashbacks; I was convinced there were some other directors who could handle this theme or story better.

It was only several years later that the duet of Anita Mui and Leslie Cheung in Sorrow on an Autumn Trip (客途秋恨) struck me all of sudden, like a ghost; when I was traveling in the midst of a bustling city; and during the quiet, contemplative midnight hour, under the dim lighting of my desk light. The seductive and teasing glances of Fleur, the indefinable yet deeply emotional expressions of the Twelfth Master Chan watching her, would always remind me of their duet, filled with yearning, bitterness, and a deep emotional connection.

Even though many years have passed, I still do not dare to rewatch this movie as it is now etched in my heart. Fleur’s love for the Twelfth Master Chan is almost like that in a fairy tale — it is too pure, too pristine, a love that the Twelfth Master could not bear. Even with the risk of their souls being scattered in the mortal world, Fleur persisted in her search for the lover she had longed for, day and night. Even though they exist in different times and spaces, only love can transcend all boundaries, and the ghost-form is merely a vessel that enables her to travel across time and space. What drove Fleur back to the mortal world was not just resentment, but also an unbreakable, profound love. Love and hatred are intertwined; perhaps this is the most complex emotion in the mortal world, just like my feelings for this film. 

"Sorrow in the face of the full moon..." Twelfth Master sang.

"That’s too much sorrow." Fleur retorted before leaving the room.

Oh no, it’s struck me again.

In the Seventh Month of Ghosts, if you see Fleur wandering in the street, please help her find her deeply beloved Twelfth Master, and don't let her be exposed to the sun for too long. Bring her back home before sunrise.






“愁对月亮华圆……” 十二少唱道。

“哪来那么多愁啊?” 如花面对嘲笑离开房间。



[written and translated by PM Lee, originally posted here]

“Summer Hours”, and What Follows After


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