Filmmaking Labs Members

  • Larissa Lim Lewen

    Larissa is a first-year English student who likes art, music, books and collecting various paraphernalia. A part-time musician (my band!) and a full-time defender of contemporary art, you can probably catch her at gigs, exhibitions or music studios. She is also unable to stomach horror movies (even FNAF)... New to film, she hopes to further explore the medium and expand her taste in film.

  • Siobhan Rose Lee

    Siobhan is a first-year Linguistics and English student, new to being human and keen to find out more about what it’s all about.

  • Sasha Ling Qi

    Sasha majors in Linguistics and English. She is especially enamoured by films that explore human relationships, the human condition, and the theme of nostalgia (or just any film with a banging soundtrack). Aside from film, she has a passion for analog film photography (@picbysol) and shoots occasionally for local bands at gigs. She also hand-develops and processes film for a local film developing shop on weekends. When she’s not busy at school or work, she enjoys playing guitar, going to concerts, indulging in video games and writing.

  • Chen Yu Hong

    Yuhong is a second-year EEE student who wants to explore and observe everything. His mind is messed with abstract concepts like grandfather paradox, determinism, theory of everything or nihilism, and existentialism. Yes, he likes philosophy and fundamental physics, though he is too lazy to take the time to learn them systematically. Thus, he loves those movies that go deep into nature or humanity, which allow him to feel those the abstract rather than understand it. He loves sci-fi movies the best because he finds them similar to the limit method in maths: that is, when backgrounds are set to an extreme condition, the truth of humanity, society, or the world is revealed.

  • Noor Mohamed Hakimi Bin Razmi:

    Hakimi is a second-year History student who is currently a member of NTU Film Society’s Filmmaking Lab. Previously, he was the Arts & Cultural Director of Hall 8 which allowed him an outlet to express his love for different art forms through organising various events. He also has experience in the TV and film industry as he previously worked as an Assistant Producer and Student Curator for the True Colors Film Festival 2020.  Having obtained a diploma in Creative Writing from Singapore Polytechnic, he hopes to continue writing and producing relatable stories for the culture.

  • Janani Sejal Johnson

    Janani is a first-year student in NTU's School of Humanities and a member of NTU Film Society. She enjoys reading, writing, and engaging with any form of media which explores the complexity of the human condition and existentialism. As a Media Officer under NTU CAC Media and IT, she also finds joy in working with cameras of all kinds (shocker!). Her interest in film-making was solidified after involving herself in a few personal short film projects, during which she particularly enjoyed the process of screenwriting. :^)

  • Angelina Tang

    Angelina is a second-year Data Science and AI student who is a passionate film enthusiast. Drawn to questioning the world around her, she particularly enjoys films that dive deep into the human psyche or are just plain wacky. Forming stories out of dust, she finds deep satisfaction in the art of character writing and development. Through her writing, she hopes to inspire others to be kinder to themselves and to appreciate the small things in life. When she’s not watching films, you can find her under a rock- crocheting, and on extremely rare occasions, drawing(She isn’t great at those but she tries).

  • Soumya Ranjan Sahoo

    Soumya is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at NTU and is a member of the NTU Filmmaking Lab, where he has written screenplays and aims to bring his stories from script to screen. Outside of academia, Soumya is passionate about film criticism, sharing reviews of films and TV series on his Instagram page (@cinepila_), where he also posts some of his favorite scenes. In his free time, he enjoys watching films, reading novels, and listening to music.

  • Chloe Liu Aoran

    Aoran is a first-year student studying Information Engineering and Media. She is new to Singapore, new to NTU, new to the Film Society, but not new to the enchanting world of cinema. She enjoys listening to original soundtracks and collecting movie clips and lines. She wants to explore more possibilities of her major, to see how technology can contribute to the film or game industry in modern days. Who knows? Maybe she will make OASIS in Ready Player One come true one day!

  • Priyanka Arora

    Priyanka is a year 1 Business major and a member of NTU’s filmmaking lab. Prior to joining university, she did the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) where she took film as a higher level subject. After completing the IBDP, she furthered her interest in film by pursuing a film course overseas for 3 months. She enjoys making short films of different styles and genres and hopes to continue this passion in Film society. 

  • Marielle Butnande Adolfo

    Marielle is a Year 4 Sociology major who has always been fascinated by the ways stories shape societies and influence perceptions. She wants to explore how visual storytelling can challenge dominant narratives, amplify marginalized voices, and bring social issues to life. By combining sociological insights with creative media, she hopes to create films that spark conversations, inspire change, and deepen our understanding of the world.

  • Koen Foo Yong Ping:

    Koen is a first year engineering student with a passion for reading, creative writing and occasional photography. He hopes that through the Film Labs offered by the NTU Film Society, he will be able to learn the basics of filmmaking, cinematography and film criticism, expanding his horizons to include a diverse range of films from around the world, and perhaps one day join the mad race for self-expression.

  • Thoi Min En

    Min En is a Year 1 Communications student and a member of Filmmaking Labs. A lover for drama, the arts and anything in between, she enjoys being both in front and behind the camera. After completing her internship with Wormwood Films, she has been building her portfolio by joining local and student projects as an actor. She hopes to continue expanding her understanding of film under Filmmaking Labs and befriend more like-minded people in Film Society.

  • Ho Yew Hung Adrian:

    Adrian is an undergraduate in English who graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Film, Sound & Video Course. He has directed and produced a few short films and documentaries. Notably, Adrian was an assistant-director on “Chop Thye Bee” which was nominated for the NYFA Student Documentary Category, director for “Reading Between the Lines” which played at The Projector as part of the European Film Festival’s 2021 slate, and producer for  “It Never Rains On National Day”, which ran in competition at the Film 4 Fun Festival and was a finalist for the Best International Director Award at the Houston Comedy Film Festival.

  • Priscilla Celine Setiawan

    Priscilla is a final-year Computer Science student with a passion for storytelling and understanding the human experience. She spends her free time reading, writing, hiking, and listening to indie music. With an interest in psychology and history, she is particularly drawn to documentaries that capture unique personal stories. Although new to filmmaking, she is eager to learn, grow, and contribute to this creative community.

  • Huang Yi Chen

    Yi Chen is a Year 1 Communications student from WKWSCI and an aspiring director. He saw Dune and Interstellar once (Ok, more than once, lot more than once) and decided he wanted to recreate the same awe and wonder the cinematography in those films imbued. In his free time, he is an experienced video editor who likes to recreate beautiful movie shots in his own dorm.

  • Muhammad Rafi Adzikra Sujai

    Rafi is a final-year Computer Science student (let’s hope that he could graduate this year). During his free time, he enjoys taking street photography using the rangefinder camera passed down from his grandfather, blasting Midwest Emo songs on repeat through his bedroom speaker, and over-analyzing his autistic cat’s behavior because he once wanted to be animal psychologist.

  • Teh Jia Yuan

    Jia Yuan is a final-year student at NTU, majoring in Linguistics and Multilingual Studies and minoring in Drama and Performance. As someone who finds solace in people-watching and spending her daily 2 hours commute to school crafting imaginary scenes in her head, Jia Yuan is interested in dramatising the mundanity of everyday life. She has always been interested in storytelling, and creating through any medium. Jia Yuan spends most of her time doodling on school notes, role-playing on dining tables, making movies in her head out of funny moments, and all things fun. In her free time, she likes to lie on grass and watch as the clouds pass by.

  • Yong Rui Jie

    Rui Jie is a second-year student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), currently studying Computer Engineering with a second major in Business. A member of NTU Film Society since 2023, he enjoys the opportunities provided by the club to explore beyond the STEM confines of his main field of study. An avid enjoyer of striking cinematography, he hopes to learn more about what makes it tick, and hopefully be able to capture a fraction of that magic within his own projects. 

    In his spare time, he enjoys tinkering with tech, enjoying various films (typically horror), and learning more about others’ experiences to make more sense of his own.

  • Zachery Loh Zhi Yang:

    First year Material Science and Engineering student. Life-long disciple, learner, basketballer (unless my arms get chopped off :0 but then I will play with my FEET)

  • Antoni Michal Przybylik:

    Antoni is from Poland and he is here on an international exchange. In Poland he studies Automatic Control and Robotics.

  • Koh Jean Ting Matilda

    Matilda is a Year 1 English student who enjoys expressing herself across multiple mediums. She has been involved in acapella, choir, drama acting, and scriptwriting during her education, embracing performance and storytelling in all forms. In her free time, she explores fashion, doomscrolls on pinterest, and gossips with her girl friends :p New to NTU Film Society, she hopes to dive into more film genres and pretend she just might have the potential to be a filmmaker (while also having what it takes to be a writer/ singer/ fashion designer/ architect/ standup comedian/ philosopher/ soundcloud rapper)

  • Jonathan Dragon

    Jonathan has been a member of the NTU Film Society since 2023, and is currently Vice-Chair of the NTU CAC Media and IT Committee. Studying Psychology and Media Analytics, his passion for film lies within a deep interest for storytelling and creating rich character depth. He started as a student “filmmaker” in 2018 while studying in Shanghai, and was awarded for some of his shorts by the Shanghai Student Film Festival, and more. Jonathan has continued to develop his creativity since returning to Singapore, including picking up photography, writing fictional short stories, and working on passion projects over the holidays.

  • Elliot Wong

    Elliot is a final year student from WKWSCI who is currently working on his FYP short film, “A Kind of Hush”. His media diet ranges from films like La Jetée and Perfect Days to laughing at "amogus" jokes in 2024. Having worked in a more commercial setting during a recent internship with Viddsee, he is currently navigating the sweet spot of making films that have widespread commercial appeal while also remaining authentic and artful, like A24 films or Puss in Boots 2. He sees himself being either a writer or producer in the film industry in the not-too-distant future.

  • Chan Yin Leng Ysabel

    Ysabel is a Staff Writer for NTU Film Society. She majors in English and History. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, and listening to rock music. Interested in horror, history, and social commentary, she gravitates towards horror films that serve as social commentary and films that explore the past.

  • Muhd Muhaimin Abdul Hadi

    Muhaimin is an undergraduate in English with a second major in Communication Studies. He possesses an inordinate amount of knowledge about obscure superhero films and media. He enjoys torturing himself with plainly bad movies and series and wishes for friends who share the same masochistic tendencies. That said, he also appreciates good films and has written a review for a Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes for JustSayingAsia. He is also the first person in the world to lick the Merlion.

  • Li Rui Qi

    Ruiqi is a second year Accounting student who enjoys exploring new skills. She enjoys filming and editing her own vlogs, exploring different elements of photography and exploring music of diverse genres. She is currently self learning electric guitar but struggling with it. Growing up, she was always in awe of how people can bring together both a captivating storyline and breathtaking cinematography to create an impactful film. The ability to seamlessly blend narrative and visual artistry is something she deeply admires, and it inspired her to learn more about films and continue to pursue this passion of hers.